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TOPICS: Education vs. Training, The Scientists of the Future, Capturing Growth in Specialty Chemicals, Management of Change, Tragic Chemical Accidents, Drug Discovery, Practical Piping Design, and Advanced Materials.
These are future meetings or events that other organizations in the Metro New York area are conducting that may be of interest to chemical engineers.
Wednesday, Sept. 17th, 11:30 am - 2:00 pm. (Networking and Reception 11:30 am / Luncheon 12:15 pm / Presentation 1:00 pm). Société de Chimie Industrielle Luncheon. Speaker: Dr. Ronald Pierantozzi, Managing Partner, Cameron and Associates. Venue: The Yale Club at 50 Vanderbilt Avenue (the corner of 44th and Vanderbilt, facing Vanderbilt), NYC. Costs: $60 - Société Members / $85 - Non-members / Cash bar / $30 Webcast (Members only). Register at: http://societe.org/index.php/events?view=category.
Thursday, Sept. 18th, 2-3 pm. ACS (American Chemical Society) free webinar on Tragic Chemical Accidents – Round 2. Speaker: Mary Beth Mulcahy of the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Board. Register at: http://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/events/upcoming-acs-webinars/chemical-accidents-2.html.
Thursday, Sept. 25th, 2-3 pm. ACS (American Chemical Society) free webinar on Drug Discovery 7: Pharmacoeconomics and IP Strategies in Drug Development. Speakers: Richard Willke and Robert Koch Register at: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/251473674.
Thursday, Oct. 2nd, 11 am - 2 pm. Chemical Marketing & Economics Group luncheon meeting. Topic: Huntsman: Transforming the World of Advanced Materials. Speaker: James H. Huntsman, Division President, Advanced Materials, Huntsman. Venue: Yale Club of NY, 50 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, NY 10017. Further info at: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=jwbx7pcab&oeidk=a07e9q2hznfe6a406c2.
Tuesday, Oct 7th and Oct. 14th, 6-9 pm. AIChE, North Jersey’s "Fall Lecture Series" - An Introduction to Thermoplastic Piping System Design with PDHs to be available. Full details - download PDH.
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Updated September 9, 2014