Seventh Annual Energy & Resources Conference
Thursday, May 30th - Con Edison Building, NYC


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Challenges and Opportunities in
Climate Change

Abstract: Session 2 - Monitoring Climate Change on Long Island Sound - The development and implementation of a climate change monitoring program for an urban estuary and its ecosystems

Presenter: Sarah Deonarine, New York Coordinator of the Long Island Sound Study.

Long Island Sound is a highly urbanized estuary with over eight million residents in the watershed. Anthropogenic pressures to the estuary, including increased population, habitat modification and water pollution, have long been identified. It is now recognized that climate change interactions with each of these pressures will add a layer of complexity to management efforts.

This presentation will describe the development of one of the first comprehensive estuarine climate change monitoring strategies in the country, a process that has brought together scientists and managers from academic institutions, state and federal agencies, and nonprofits. Scientific and technical committees based in New York and Connecticut worked together to identify likely impacts of climate change on the estuary and ecosystem function, then proposed a comprehensive set of “sentinels,” or indicators, to detect and measure these effects. The ultimate end goal of this program is to identify early warning signs and develop recommendations for management adaptation.

Topics for this presentation will include an overview of this program and the current implementation progress, future challenges for ecosystems in the face of climate change, opportunities for adaptation, and who is needed to respond to a “new normal.”

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