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To reserve for 2014 Energy & Resources Conference or Pay by Credit Card or Check:

PDH credits anticipated (for NYS PEs)
[additional fees, if PDHs offered]

To pay now
: $125 for AIChE, Metro NY Members; Other Sponsoring Organizations (includes all Con Edison employees)
$150 for Non-Members or Guests;
$60 for Students (limited to first 25 students who register).
You must be reserved to gain admittance to the Con Edison Building. Reservations close on Thursday, 9/11 at 5 pm ET.

We now accept all major credit cards.  Reserve now using PayPal (you do not have to be a PayPal member, to charge via your credit card):

You must reserve by Thursday, 9/11 at 4 pm ET.

You can also Reserve, by calling David Deutsch at (917) 684-1659, or via E-mail to

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