Sixth Annual Energy & Resources Conference
Thursday, December 8th - Con Edison Building, NYC

Our Crucial Water Supply; Ensuring its Future
Final Program: Reserve Now-2

Session 4 - Water Tariffs, Financing Water Projects, Stormwater Districts

Session Chair:
• Dr. Herbert W. Cooper, Dynalytics Corp.

Water Tariffs, Financing Water Projects, Stormwater Districts
• Prabha Kumar, Black & Veatch Management Consulting

Abstract - Stormwater Utility: A New Paradigm for Effective Stormwater Funding

The economic volatility and associated financial pressures are now a constant reality for managers responsible for providing public services at the lowest cost. Increasing lack of political support for funding coupled with customer resistance significantly threaten a utility’s sustainability. This challenge is nowhere as significant as it is in the stormwater management domain. In many municipalities, whether they have separate stormwater systems and/or combined sewer systems, “real problems” exist and need to be resolved.

Some of the key challenges are:
Inadequate and aging combined sewer/stormwater infrastructure
Increased runoff due to development causing a myriad of problems- flooding, habitat degradation, impairment of water quality, combined sewer overflows
Increasing service needs, regulatory requirements, and costs
Volatile revenues and inequitable cost recovery

With such diverse challenges, stormwater management is beginning to increasingly require the funding stability of a water/wastewater public utility.

This presentation describes a five phased framework that municipalities can utilize to develop a compelling case for establishing a stormwater-user fee program. The framework involves five tracks, namely Program, Organization, Finance, Billing, and Public Outreach, provides a defensible foundation for establishing stable and equitable funding for stormwater management.

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